The Overview
PRODUCTS USED: Certificate in Entrepreneurship
The Client
University of Buckingham approached us to deliver a course that would be delivered on their Introduction to Entrepreneurship module. The focus would need to be on developing an understanding of business and developing their entrepreneurial skills. The course would need to be plugged into their existing module and fit within other teaching.
The Brief
The module was being taught to 20 first year students. The course delivered needed to facilitate working in teams and individually to deliver the following:
To introduce students to and enable them to develop an understanding of entrepreneurship and venture creation.
Demonstrate to students how business concepts apply in a start-up situation.
Give students an understanding of how to value a business and what investors look for in a successful business.
Help develop an understanding of entrepreneurship using practical examples and how these relate to business theory.
Demonstrate the ability to present information in an innovative and interesting way.
The Result
The course was delivered in a set of weekly modules delivered over a 7 week period. The students had to complete a set of tasks both individually and in teams that both tested their skills and knowledge. Once completing these tasks they were each given a personal skills profile that would act as a self reflection tool for development. The profile gave the students an indication of where their entrepreneurial skills were and benchmarked them against successful entrepreneurs. The students also had access to a E-Portfolio, which they used to evidence their development over the course of the module. They could also continue to use this throughout their degree.
The course was delivered by the lecturer at the University of Buckingham. We provided a remote train the trainer session to cover all of the information needed to deliver the course. We also gave additional resources and provided tutorial videos to make this process smoother. Minor technical support was provided.