Leapfrogging Forward
Leading the organisation to re-imagine and Reform
We recently partnered with the Ausso Leadership Academy to deliver an interactive workshop exploring ways businesses can respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The overall aim was to provide strategic, sustainable plans for various scenarios that might affect Bovas Group, in order to steer the Group beyond surviving to thriving at the other side of the wave.
The workshop was delivered virtually over 2 days to 18 members of Bovas Group including the Executive Board. Read below to find out more detail.
Day 1
Participants were given a short introduction with some theory, teaching them a Fast Strategy methodology for analysing their business and services.
The main part of the workshop was applying that methodology to Bovas Group under different scenarios. The aim was to highlight win/lose impacts and prepare value-creating opportunities for Bovas Group where impacts are positive.
Participants were put into 4 teams that each went into separate breakout rooms with a facilitator to work on their individual scenarios. During this breakout session
they discussed the “new normal” and agreed four winning segments for their business. These four winning segments were then developed in more detail by each team member individually using worksheets provided.
After the breakout session, each team returned to plenary to present their findings to the rest of the group.
Day 1 was wrapped up with a summary of what we had covered and it was important as well as a short look ahead to day 2.
Day 2
A high - level grasp of what could happen to Nigeria’s Economy and Health in the face of various strategic scenarios
Explore positive and negative impacts
Identify and achieve alignment around winning Opportunities for the Bovas Group to steer through Resolve,Resilience, Return and into Reimagination and Reform
Responses in a series of playbooks that can be easily activated and implemented in the event of Scenarios evolving.
These must be strategic and long term in nature
The agility, creativity and innovative mindset to disrupt the competition and create opportunities before they exist
The intrapreneurial skills of an Entrepreneur!
The second day began with a refresher of day 1s findings and any further plenary comments and reflections from the group.
The same teams broke out into their groups with their facilitators. Each team chose the best winning segment from that they had highlighted from day 1.
They then built a response “playbook” that they as a business could implement if their scenario occurred. Each team were given a worksheet where they had to develop detailed response activities for the following areas:
When returning to the plenary session, each team provided a brief summary of their winning segment and effort for each response.
The workshop was concluded with an overview of the next steps for Bovas to complete to ensure the work that they had produced is followed through and used.
Bovas received the following outputs after the workshop:
Detailed descriptions and products for 18 Segments
Summary matrix for 18 segments
Playbooks: 6 Responses and their Activities for 4 Winning Segments
Virtual Delivery
The programme was delivered using Zoom. Instructions to register and test the equipment each participant needed were sent out well in advance. Each participant was also sent a pre read document to help prepare them for the workshop. This meant we could focus fully on the workshop straight away.
During the workshop we encouraged as much discussion as possible and kept the engagement and interactivity high by using polls, videos and worksheets.
“The session has been engaging. Everyone had an opportunity to contribute. The examples you have given us are fantastic and very applicable. It was a global standard...”
Iwadola Samson, Executive Director at Bovas Group