The following Frequently Asked Questions and common problems should be able to help any issues you are facing. If after reviewing these questions you are still facing an issue, contact support at: support@dialectyx.com.
Support Hours – Mon-Fri – 9am-5pm GMT
What Software and Hardware should I run?
The programme is designed with HTML5 which is supported by all modern browsers. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox to use the programme.
The programme has been designed for use on laptops, so we therefore recommend users use laptops to complete it.
Recommended minimum System requirements
Windows 7 or Macintosh OS 10 or higher
Core i5 Processor or higher
4 GB RAM or higher
I can’t register onto the programme
Make sure that you follow the registration details correctly; you will need to add the following details when registering:
Full Name
Id number
Email address
Password - This must be eight characters or more including one uppercase letter, one lower case letter, one special character (!@#$%^&) and one number.
When you register successfully you should receive an email confirming your registration on the programme.
I haven’t received my email confirmation
When you register correctly you will receive an automated confirmation email to confirm you place on the programme. You will then need to click the hyperlink within that email to activate your account. If you have registered but still haven’t received your email confirmation, check your spam folder in your email account.
I can’t login to the programme/I’ve forgotten my password
If you can’t login to the programme, or if you’ve forgotten your password, reset your password using the “forgot password functionality” on the login page. Enter your email address that you registered with and press the submit button. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. If you have tried to reset your password but still haven’t received your email confirmation, check your spam folder in your email account.
I completed the end of a module and the next area didn’t unlock, what should I do?
When going through the programme certain areas will unlock only when you have completed the unlocked areas. Listen to the audio and on screen instructions and make sure you complete the task before moving onto the next step. If you still can’t get to the next area, log out and log back into the programme. If you are still facing issues, please email support@dialectyx.com and let us know your problem.
How do I know if I have finished the programme?
Once you have completed all areas of the programme the “Wrap Up” module will unlock. This module contains a video that summarises the work you have completed and lets you know your next steps. Once you have watched this video you will have finished the programme.
Still having troubles?
If you have tried the steps on this page and are still facing issues, please contact: support@dialectyx.com.
Support Hours – Mon-Fri – 9am-5pm GMT